When I was in grade school, my family and I went to my father’s hometown during summer vacation. It was a long ride from the city and I never find it boring. In fact, I would sit near the window side of our car and watched the wonderful scenery as we passed by. I never wanted to sleep along the way. Living in the city, where tall buildings and cars are all you see; it was quite refreshing to see flock of birds flying, cows resting on the fields, ducks, geese, swans taking a bath on a pond, the smell of fresh air, the sound of gravel as you walked by and at night time, you see these fireflies dancing around. These are the things I will not trade for money. Too sad that I never had that experience again since. So, I decided to make my own pond with two lovely swans and two frogs. I looked at this miniature pond whenever I feel sad and it somehow reminds me of my wonderful experience I had as a kid. Why don’t you create a miniature representation that will remind you of something wonderful you have experienced.
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