Friday, April 22, 2011

How to apply future polish on your clay art pieces

I have used different kinds of glazing liquid on my clay pieces, each of them gave me  different results. When I first used the future polish (in our country it is called "Pledge wipe and shine" floor polish) I didn't like the way it turned out. That's because I was applying it the wrong way. At first,  I used cotton buds and soft bristle paint brush, dipped into the liquid and applied it on my art pieces. It gave me that shine but with the mark of strokes from applying the liquid with cotton buds and soft brush. So what better way to apply it? Well, I thought of pouring some of the liquid into a bowl and immerse my clay art pieces. I used dry tip cotton bud and dabbed  excess liquid lightly without rubbing it off and dried it with a hair dryer at the lowest setting by moving the hair dryer to and fro against the clay. It turned out wonderful. Here are some samples of  my experiment.


  1. Lovely work. I especially like the last one!

  2. Thank you Anita for the compliment. :)

    Agnes G.


  4. Hello, thank you for your question, you can buy at any Ace Hardware store, look for Pledge wipe and shine floor polish. Apply to cured clay, let it dry and then rebake for another 15 to 30 mins at low temperature to dry completely. Be careful not to burn your pieces.

  5. ung clay ko po kasi air dry clay na homemade.. bakit kaya gnun pag nilagyan ko xa ng Pledge wipe and shine d xa gnun ka glossy saka parang may mga white na natitira sa gilid ng clay..

  6. Hi! I was wondering if you have received my email. Regarding your question about using pledge on air dry clay, I only use pledge on polymer clay once they are cured. I don't think that it will have the same effect on air dry clay or should it be applicable on to that type of clay. You can try painting it using a primer then an acrylic paint of your choice. But only if your air dry clay is porcelain-like finish.
